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August 22nd / 6:30 – 7:30
Newtown Community Center
$10 per person
Adults only class (ages 18 and over)
Presenter: Brian Kleinman, Owner of Riverside Reptiles Education Center
Snakes are reptiles that can be found all over the world (except for Antarctica – burr). Some snakes even live in the water! Although many people are frightened by these legless creatures, most snakes are not dangerous to humans and are misunderstood by many. Snakes have REMARKABLE abilities such as unhinging their jaw to swallow food whole and smelling with their tongue! Join us at the sanctuary as we discover the snakes of Connecticut with Brian Kleimen of Riverside Reptiles. In his 45-minute presentation, he’ll cover all CT native snakes, identification, habitat, which are poisonous, and how to co-exist with these amazing reptiles. Participants will meet live native species…perhaps a copperhead, black rat snake, milk snake, and a watersnake!