When I tell my daughter it is going to snow, the first question I get is “Can I play outside & go sledding”? Chances are you’re getting the same question tonight in your house as the first flakes start to fall. If you’re lacking hills in your neighborhood, here’s a list of spots for sledding.
Treadwell Park
39 Philo Curtis Road
Holcombe Hill
55 Great Hill Road
Immaculate High School
73 Southern Blvd.
Richter Park
100 Aunt Hack Road
Tarrywile Park
70 Southern Blvd.
Bethel High School or Rockwell Elementary School
*Both located on Whittlesey Drive in Bethel’s Education complex
Brookfield High School
45 Longmeadow Hill Road
Brookfield Town Hall/Kid’s Kingdom
100 Pocono Road
Huckleberry Hill Elementary School
100 Candlewood Lake Road
Whisconier Middle School
17 West Whisconier Road
Southford State Falls
Quaker Farms Road
Do you have a favorite spot that’s not on the list? Please email [email protected] so I can add it.