Local Farmers' Markets Opening Dates - Newtown Moms

Farmers’ Markets are one of the best ways to spend a morning, afternoon, or evening outside shopping local produce & goods. It’s also a great way to connect with friends and get your kids involved in meal planning. Below is a list of opening dates for local Farmers’ Markets in the Newtown/Danbury area – there’s pretty much one to shop each day of the week starting in late June! As always, you can also find this information on the calendar.

Weekly Markets
New Milford
Open every Saturday from 9AM – 12PM on the Green

Check back for details

Opening Tuesday 6/21
Weekly from 2PM – 6:30PM at Fairfield Hills

Opening Friday 6/24
Weekly from 3PM – 6PM

Opening Friday 6/24
From 3PM – 6PM

Opening Saturday 6/25
From 9AM – 12PM

Farm Stands/CSA’s
Castle Hill Farm, Newtown
Phinney’s, Newtown
Shortt’s Farm, Sandy Hook
Sport Hill Farm, Easton
Halas Farm Market, Danbury
Holbrook Farm, Bethel

Do you know of another local Farmer’s Market? Please email [email protected] to add.

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