Amy Krompinger, a Newtown Mom of two (and a 3rd due this summer), is the owner and head coach of Aim Athletes Field Hockey Club based right here in Newtown. Amy is also the Assistant Coach at Western Connecticut State University. I talked with Amy about some of her favorite things to do in Newtown, as well as the programs she’s offering this Spring & Summer!
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town? Child(ren) and Age(s)?
I am from Wilmington, DE. Field Hockey brought me to UCONN which is where I met my husband and we stayed in state after graduation. Jack is 4 and Molly is 2. I have lived in Newtown since 2012.
Favorite things to do with your kids?
Swim at the community center and have dance parties at home.
Favorite spot in Newtown?
Eichler’s Cove- it’s the perfect spot in the summer for playing in the sand and swimming!
What is your proudest mommy moment?
Oh boy, I’ve never thought about this! I would have to say I feel most proud when my kids are playing nicely, in the house or out. It’s no big moment or event. But watching them laugh and have fun, taking turns and being kind, and loving each other is exactly what I want for them and how I want them to treat others. It’s nice to have those small moments in the day where you can look at your kids and know that your hard work of mommying is paying off, and they are turning into good little humans.
To say that you have a lot on your plate right now, would be a huge understatement! How do you find balance and still check off all your daily to-do’s?
Time management and organization is key! I am very efficient with my time when my youngest is napping and they are both sleeping at night. I also know myself and know that I am more productive the more I have on my plate. One thing I am working on in this department is setting boundaries and not working from my phone when the kids are with me.
I know you have a lot of Clinics and Camps coming up for the Spring & Summer. Can you share a bit more about what those programs will be like? What’s a typical day at camp like?
Spring and Summer Clinics consist of a 1x or 2x a week practice, depending on the athlete’s age. Our Junior Academy, for ages 4-9, focuses on the FUNdamentals of Field Hockey. Our programs for athletes aged 10-19 are a bit more competitive but still inclusive of all players.
Summer Camp is for athletes aged 5-13. Camp is run for a week in June after school is out. The camp is designed to ensure each player is learning, having fun, and making new friends by creating an inclusive environment. Each day at camp has a different theme i.e. Attitude, goal setting, and mindset. Our athletes leave camp sweaty and with a smile on their face!
You can learn more about Amy & Aim Athletes by clicking here. Spring Clinics will run at Newtown Youth Academy this spring, and Summer Camp will run at Treadwell Memorial Park. Spring clinics start on April 4th and registration is open. For summer camp, dates are still TBD, but you can receive the latest news by following along with Aim Athletes on Instagram and Facebook.