Sign Up for A Turkey Trot! - Newtown Moms

Lace up your sneakers and get the whole family involved in one of these local Turkey Trots. All three races provide fun for the whole family and support local organizations.

11/20: 38th Annual Run for the Turkeys
New Fairfield High School
Regisration: $25
New Fairfield High Cross Country team will be holding a used sneaker drive.
Please bring a non-perishable item for the New Fairfield Food Pantry

11/24: Newtown Turkey Trot Benefiting the C.H. Booth Library
Newtown Middle School
Registration: $30 for an individual, $100 for groups of 4

11/24: Bethel Turkey Trot
Bethel Town Hall
Registration: $25
Proceeds benefit Ability Beyond and Bethel Parks & Recreation

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