The 9 Mom Friends Every Mom Needs in Her Life - Newtown Moms

Camilla Alves McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon & Jennifer Garner; Credit: Getty Images


Mom friends are the glue that hold us together when shit hits the fan, and motherhood’s fan is being in a wind tunnel while you’re going 100 mph in a convertible. In other words, you’re going to need some good glue. Here, seven moms you need in your crew.
The One Who Has the School Calendar Synced with her Google Calendar
You know who we’re talking about: She never misses an activities registration deadline, she reminds you about PJ day three days prior and she’s never mixed up a pickup time. But the best part about this friend? She’s kind enough to casually nudge you to sign up already. Partly because she doesn’t want to do check-out at the Book Fair alone, but also because she knows you want to be there.
The Hot Mess Mom
Even though this Mom looks like she’s spent the night wrestling with a rabid raccoon (and if she’s sleep training a baby or co-sleeping with a toddler, this is basically true), she shows up (possibly in what she wore to sleep). She hasn’t gotten a pedicure since she went into labor with her first. She’s late to everything from pick up to PTA meetings and forgets to sign permission slips. 
Hot Mess Mom makes you feel better because she’s kind of a disaster, but her kids are healthy, happy and loved. She’s the embodiment of ‘you don’t have to be a perfect mom, you just have to be their mom’.
The Researcher
This friend is like the Angie’s list of pals. She’s figured out the best soccer camp, math tutor and hidden gem coffee drive through. Note: The Local Mom Network in your local area is that friend. 
The “This Isn’t My First Rodeo” Mom
The thing about motherhood is that every time you think you have something figured out, your kid gets to the next stage and you’re slapped in the face with a new mountain to conquer. Got breastfeeding to finally work? Congrats, welcome to your new friend mastitis. Successfully transitioned from bottle to sippy cup? Well done – now good luck cleaning out that disgusting
mold trap. 
A mom who has been there and done that can share the best tips for preventing and treating mastitis or the right bottle brush for your sippy cups. Your first child may be the same age as her last, but the relationship just works.
The Mom Who Knew You Before Kids
Motherhood changes women in ways you never imagined. And sometimes, you can lose yourself in it. That’s why it’s important to have a mom who was a friend before you were moms. Who can appreciate you for the younger, more carefree version of yourself…while understanding where you are now. If you aren’t lucky enough to have any of these living close to you, plan a girls’ trip to reconnect—or even a FaceTime call when dad is available to babysit so you can have a “wine” down.
The Professional Mom
This mom not only mothers her kids, she mothers your kids, and you as well. She’s the Class Mom, the mom who offers to bring your kids home from practice or activities, and brings you soup when you’re sick. She loves caring for others, and she’s great at it. Let her do what she does best — all you need to do is say thank you.
The Self-Care Sister
This mom doesn’t just talk the talk of self-care, she lives it. She’s regularly taking time to work out. Unlike Hot Mess mom, her toe polish is on point…even in February. She reads—actual books, not just school emails and college admissions essays. And you know what? Not only is she a happier, healthier version of, well, you, she’s doing her best to encourage you to stop lighting yourself on fire to keep everyone around you warm.
What the self-care mom has right? She knows you have to book a sitter or schedule grandma for a visit so she can take the time she needs for herself. And it works — she’s calm, happy, and has patience for life’s little explosions.
The Moms Night Out Planner
Especially if you’re a homebody, you need to be on the email chain of the social butterfly who is consistently trying to get everyone together. She does the work of being social so you don’t have to. 
The Convenience Factor Mom Friend
When you make a friend before you’re a mom, you usually have a lot in common. Maybe you laugh at the same stuff, you played lacrosse together, or were in the same sorority. But a mom friend can kind of be like an office BFF or a neighbor — if you find a
friend that conveniently has kids the same age, that alone is enough. You don’t have to relate on a deeper level than hanging out making small talk at the playground or the occasional moms night out.
The funny thing about the Convenience Factor Mom? Eventually you may grow to like her just as much as any friend you had pre-kid. Motherhood is sort of like going to battle, and once we’ve fought side by side, you’ll be closer than you may realize. 

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