Local Corn Mazes In & Around Newtown - Newtown Moms
Corn Mazes

Our favorite fall activies are in full gear. Here’s a list of local Corn Mazes that will fill your weekends with fun through the end of October. Did I miss one?  Please email [email protected] to add your favorites.

 Castle Hill Farm, Newtown
Open Saturdays & Sundays from 10AM – 5PM beginning 9/28/2023
Flashlight Corn Maze 10/26 & 11/02 from 6PM – 9PM

The Farm, Woodbury
Open Saturdays & Sundays until 10/27 from 10AM – 4PM

Benedict’s Home and Garden, Monroe
Fall festival to start mid-September.
Corn Maze open 7 days a week. Visit website for all the details.

Wells Hollow Creamery, Shelton
Open Saturdays & Sundays from 12PM – 5PM. Opening soon!

March Farm, Bethlehem
Open weekends in the Fall from 10;30AM – 4:30PM

Bishop’s Orchards, Guilford
Open 9AM – 6PM through 11/3

Lyman Orchards, Middlefield
Open through 11/3 from 10AM – 5:30PM. $1 from every admission is donated to the American Cancer Society.

Bunnell Farm, Litchfield
Information coming soon

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