Local Farms to Visit - Newtown Moms

With a wide variety of local farms, spending a morning or afternoon visiting with animals is a must-do on your Summer Bucket List! Here are a few options:


Appleberry Farm
8 Zoar Road, Newtown
Contact to schedule a visit. Blooms in the Barn events happening throughout the summer.

Rowanwood Farm
Route 34, Newtown
Llama hikes available for children of all ages


Amber Farm 
257 Hurlbutt Street, Wilton
Classes, workshops, and visits available

Flanders Nature Center
596 Flanders Road, Woodbury

Goldilocks Farm
Contact to schedule a visit 

New Pond Farm
101 Marchant Road, Redding
Classes, workshops, and visits available

Silverman’s Farm
451 Sport Hill Road, Easton
Farm visits available

Stamford Museum & Nature Center
39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford
Farm visits available

Wells Hollow Farm & Creamery
656 Bridgeport Avenue, Shelton
Enjoy ice cream while you visit with animals

Zenko Farm
181 Bagburn Road, Monroe
Contact to schedule a visit

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