NPS Preschool Program is Accepting Applications - Newtown Moms

Newtown Public Schools offer a preschool program, run out of Sandy Hook school for children with disabilities and their typically developing peers (or “Play Partners). The 2021/2022 program will run Mondays – Thursdays with a morning (for 3 year olds) and afternoon session (for 4 year olds). Tuition is $2,400 for the year. If you are interested in enrolling your child as a play partner, please visit here for more information. 


Although the questionnaire due date is listed as 1/11/21, the program is still being advertised for applicants. Any questions, contact Lauren Offutt, School Psychologist at (203) 426-7683.


If you are considering additional Preschool Programs for next year, please check out our Preschool & Private School Guide for a comprehensive list of area programs. 

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