What’s Happening this Weekend in Newtown?? | Newtown Moms

The answer to that question is A LOT, actually….

Since the weekend has just about arrived, here’s the rundown of what’s going on:

Kick off the weekend with Newtown’s annual tree lighting over in Ram’s Pasture. The event starts at 6:30 with singing, dance performances, the arrival of Santa and Mrs Claus, light refreshments and the lighting of the holiday trees. This event is put on by Newtown Parks & Rec, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Borough of Newtown. Newtown Village Cementary cares for the trees prior to the event. You can also purchase luminaries to dedicate to someone special. All info is here.

Also happening on Friday is the 5th Annual Sip & Stroll over in New Milford. Tickets are $25 and feature local restaurants and shops. Click here for more info.

The holiday events continue on Saturday with The Rotary Club of Newtown’s Pancake Breakfast, visits with Santa at BD Provisions, a showing of the Polar Express at Bank Street Theater, holiday classic ELF at Edmond Town Hall, Light the Lights in Danbury,  and a tree lighting at the Brookfield Town Center.

On Sunday, Newtown Youth and Family Services & Newtown Savings Bank are hosting the 33rd Holiday Festival. Main Street will be a buzz with tons of activities like house walking tours, festival of trees, the Nutrcracker Suite, and a holiday tea. You can find all the details here.

The Danbury Railway Museum also begins its Train Rides to Santa’s Rail Car event. This event is a unique and different way to get a Santa visit in. Details are here.

And finally Hanukkah begins on Sunday night. A Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating. 

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