Blog | Newtown Moms

How to Travel with Kids: A Guide

Traveling with kids is just that—relocating with your children. In other words, it’s a trip, not a vacation. Once you realize that and accept that your time away will look a little different than it did pre-kids, what are some ways to ensure more fun and less...

Fun Halloween Party Ideas!

October is always a fun month for families. It’s time for little ones to enjoy spook-free Halloween parades and costumed play dates. Older kids get into the ghoul, gore and zombie side of the holiday while parents try to make the entire special and memorable for...

Have you tried KIDBOX?

October is always a fun month for families. It’s time for little ones to enjoy spook-free Halloween parades and costumed play dates. Older kids get into the ghoul, gore and zombie side of the holiday while parents try to make the entire special and memorable for...

New Car Seat Guidelines Based on Height & Weight

The American Academy of Pediatrics is changing its guidelines for how long a child should remain in a rear-facing car seat. The organization now says children should ride rear-facing in a car seat until they reach the height or weight limit for the seat. This...

Freezer Friendly Snacks & Sweets

by Erin Parekh, Holistic Health Coach + Culinary Nutrition Expert Now that we’ve covered easy, healthy lunchbox ideas—let’s talk snacks and sweets. Because at the end of the day, we all know snack time is where it’s really at. The key to preventing afternoon meltdowns...

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