Lace up your sneakers and get the involved in one of these local Turkey Trots. All three races provide fun for the whole family and support local organizations.
11/19: 39th Annual Run for the Turkeys
New Fairfield High School
Regisration: $25
New Fairfield High Cross Country team will be holding a used sneaker drive.
Please bring a non-perishable item for the New Fairfield Food Pantry
11/23: Newtown Turkey Trot Benefiting the C.H. Booth Library
Newtown Middle School
Registration: $35 for an individual, $120 for groups of 4
11/23: Bethel Turkey Trot
Bethel Town Hall
Registration: $35, $25 for 18 and under
Proceeds benefit Ability Beyond and Bethel Parks & Recreation
11/23: Boys and Girls Club of Ridgefield Turkey Trot
Boys and Girls Club of Ridgefield
Registration: $35, $15 for Kids Fun Run
11/23: Great Turkey Escape
Redding Community Center
Registration: $40
Proceeds benefit the schools