Blog | Newtown Moms
Celery Juice: Does It Work or Is It All Hype?

Celery Juice: Does It Work or Is It All Hype?

I've never been one for fads when it comes to my diet. I've always subscribed to the 80/20 rule for daily eating and am not a fan of being too strict. However, when one of my very good friends shared this whole idea of drinking celery juice first thing in the morning...

Recall Alert – Perdue Chicken Nuggets

Recall Alert – Perdue Chicken Nuggets

Earlier today, I was watching the news and was lucky enough to catch the snippet on a recall that Perdue Chicken currently has going on for their Simply Organics Chicken Nuggets. We actually have this in our house. Luckily, the product I have (and have been giving...

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